
This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by Ronald J. LambertRonald J. Lambert.

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  • #8207

    The following Information Paper was Provided by COL Peter Tan and written by LTC (RET) Carla Beams, AGR

    18 July 2016

    SUBJECT: Success of the Dental Corps Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee (DIMA) Program

    1. Purpose: To provide information on why the DIMA Dental Corps program is a success.

    2. Background. Within the US Army Reserve, there are several categories of assignments. The Troop Program Unit (TPU) typically performs duty one weekend a month and two weeks of annual training (AT). The Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee (DIMA), is authorized 48 paid drills per year (flexible as to when and how they are performed), plus a twelve day AT. The AMEDD Professional Management Command (APMC) has features of both TPU and DIMA. Soldiers assigned to the APMC perform AT with their unit of assignment every other year and chose where they perform AT the alternate year. They are authorized 48 paid drills (flexibility in when and where they are done). Both the DIMA and APMC are flexible ways for Health Care Professionals to serve in the Army Reserve.

    3. Facts:

    a. DIMA Dental Corps authorizations mirror the Active Duty Dental Corps thereby offering clear lines of organization and management. The DIMA program has a Dental Director, Chief of Staff and 5 Regional Commanders. A DIMA Medical Service Corps officer performs administrative and operational tasks. The DIMA Dental Corps assigns additional duties to officers such as: APFT and PHA monitoring; processing both paid and unpaid training vouchers; tracking individual and regional training; family support; recruiting support; awards and OER’s.

    b. Esprit-de-corps is the corner stone of success among this group. Monthly leadership telephone conferences help keep all members in synch and up to date with knowledge and information. Additionally, an annual meeting takes place in San Antonio. During this voluntary weekend meeting, face-to-face training, i.e. SHARP and resiliency training is conducted, along with prearranged continuing education opportunities; an OER working session; opportunity to take an APFT; guest speakers in the past include the Chief of the Dental Corps, career manager from HRC, the AMEDD IMA coordinator, the Commander and SGM of DENCOM, patient safely updates, award presentations, opportunity to complete mandatory training (HIPPA, IA), a Commander’s dinner, and time to socialize.

    c. Most Army Reserve dentists and dental assistants perform AT with the First Term Dental Readiness (FTDR) mission. This mission proves to be a win-win for the Active Army and the Army Reserve. There are seven FTDR site locations; each location determines the number and dates of rotations each year. DIMA & TPU dentists and dental assistants chose a rotation based on dates that are convenient for them. DIMA dentists have a high propensity to complete higher levels of military education and have been successful being promoted. This is partly due to having strong, well-written and timely OER’s, current DA photos, and higher levels of military education.

    d. The DIMA Dental Corps program has a fulltime coordinator (Active Guard Reserve) authorization. This position has been the continuity between the Active Army and the Army Reserves and is instrumental in planning the FTDR mission, the annual DIMA Dental meeting, requesting annual training, ensuring Soldiers receive service awards, providing administrative assistance such as requesting MRD extensions, completing the annual realignment

    4. This Information Paper describes, as least in part, why the DIMA Dental Corps is successful in keeping authorizations filled and maintaining a waiting list of Soldiers who would like to be associated with this group.

    LTC Carla R. Beams / 210-221-7264
    Approved by: COL George Hucal

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