
This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by Peter TanPeter Tan.

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  • #8231
    Michael Garvin Michael Garvin

    MG (r) Lefler was the epitome of servant leadership and passionate commitment to excellence. He made all with whom he interacted feel valued and a part of the team, and I am forever thankful for his service in my life. I pray for a Peace which passes all understanding for his family, secure in the knowledge that surely he has already heard, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant,” from the Father.
    Mike Garvin

    Robert T. Frame Robert T.Frame

    Russ and now Mike, You have captured many of our feelings. He is a true giant among us and some of my fondest memories are when he would drop in and visit my office at VACO and we would catch up on old friends, new happenings and life. He was inspirational and visionary and his greatness always motivated me to try to be a better person. My Prayers and thoughts go out for him and all his family. He will be remembered by me for many things, but especially for the goodness and kindness he shared.
    Bob Frame


    MG (ret) Lefler’s incredible gifts truly enriched our Corps. You felt special in his presence, and he could remember your name, as well as your spouse and family members. His life’s triangle of faith, family and friends provides an example for all of us. Rest in peace, TOG. Prayers of comfort from the Dental Corps family to all the Leflers . Priscilla Hamilton

    James Kulild James C. Kulild

    I had the privilege of working for MG Lefler at 7th MEDCOM back in the 80’s. It was an honor for me.
    I remember being at a short course at Letterman back in the 70’s when the Chief, CAO was talking to the faculty and the students about assignments. LTC Lefler was a member of the faculty and the atmosphere in the room was tense as any discussion with a Chief, CAO. At one point LTC Lefler asked him: “Whadda want me to do? Put teeth in a pencil sharpener??!!” I think I was a CPT at the time and I thought: “This guy’s got some balls!!” And then years later he found out he got that second star while in Heidelberg. He had a celebration event at his quarters and I was happy to give him a special commemorative bottle of Taittingera Champagne.
    And I still remember his stud/studette book which was marked up with special thoughts about each officer.
    May he rest in peace – he did his duty.

    Peter Tan Peter Tan

    Meeting COL Lefler as a young CPT on active duty, I was struck by his enthusiasm for career, continued learning, and the Dental Corps family. As I continued my duties in the Reserves, MG Lefler continued to check in and determine whether my direction was astray. I value the opportunity to have met him and Mrs. Lefler, and the interrelationship with Active Duty and the Reserves with BG Jerry Strader, his IMA Dental Corps Chief. I still have a saved voice mail a few years ago from the TOG who left a message that he was thinking of me and checking in. This is where I learned how mentorship was the way it was supposed to be, touching lives and making lasting impressions forever. You certainly have guided me and made an impression! Rest in Peace TOG and May Eternal Light Shine Upon You! Pete Tan, Grace, and family

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